Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A real pain...

 I was browsing through some Shaklee websites and found this story. I have several friends who are dealing with fibromyalgia and pain issues and so I am breaking my Earth Day theme this month to repost this. Thank you to Kristi  Wendland for your story.  
"I want to share a little about myself and why I love Shaklee.  I was introduced to Shaklee and was willing to try it for pain relief.  That was all I wanted and was not interested in other products or a business.  As I learned more about the credibility of the company and quality of the products I wanted to achieve a better level of health, not just get past the pain.  Beyond better health for me and my family I now have safe cleaners for my home, skin care that I love and doesn’t pollute me with toxins, and an opportunity to have my own home based business.  By profession I am a Registered Nurse and have worked in acute adult medical and maternal child care.  One of my favorite responsibilities as a health care provider has been patient education.  I’m passionate about health and wellness, helping others to take a proactive approach to staying healthy, not just treating disease.   I am now a stay at home Mom of two and with my Shaklee business have found helping others achieve better health through education and supplementation very rewarding.

I had been living with chronic pain for about 10 years when Shaklee found me!  I had been plugging along enduring the pain and pushing through it as best I could realizing that complaining about it wasn’t going to help me at all.  In 2008 the pain became severe enough to send me to the rheumatologist for a professional medical opinion.  Not only did the physician confirm my suspicions of psoriatic arthritis, he also diagnosed me with fibromyalgia!  As if that news weren’t shocking enough, he went on to tell me that in spite of how severe my pain felt, I was actually doing quite “well”.  To me, this just meant that I did NOT want to know what doing poorly was like.  His plan of action for me was taking prescription medications, including antidepressants, which I knew was not going to be a first-line solution for me given their undesirable side effects.

About a month after this appointment I received a call from a friend telling me about Vivix and how it could help me. I was skeptical about how a supplement could help me, being an educated woman I didn’t want to feel like I was grasping at straws. But I wasn’t excited about the prescription medications either. I decided to give it a try for one month, knowing it was guaranteed and that I would get my money back if it didn’t help.

Before starting Vivix I was taking 2400 mg of Ibuprofen every day and still had significant pain. I ached all over and had considerable joint stiffness. If I would sit down in the evening for even 10 minutes it felt like my hip joints froze solid and could hardly walk. I constantly limped due to the swelling and pain on the backs of my heels. Fatigue was also a major issue sometimes feeling like I could fall asleep standing up.

After one month of being on Vivix the swelling behind my heels was gone allowing me to walk without pain. My joint freezing stopped completely. I dropped my usage of Ibuprofen by 1/3 and had minimal pain. I was still tired at the end of the day but realized that I was getting twice as much done. My worse days now are better than my best days before Vivix.  I am so grateful for my friend who introduced me to Vivix.  I have a new lease on life.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Because I have had negative experiences with home based business in the past, I told myself I would never go down that road again.  Then I got to know Shaklee.  It’s unlike any other company I’ve ever experienced!   
  • There is no inventory to carry, members orders their own product straight from the company.
  • There are no ordering requirements, you order when you need something.
  • The cost of getting started is lower than most. It is not unusual to see a several thousand dollar initial investment, compared to Shaklee’s few hundred. 
Shaklee guarantees everything they sell.  If you don't like a product or believe it's been beneficial for you Shaklee will return your money.   As a distributor, I am confident that any product Shaklee sells will be safe, effective, and of the highest quality. 

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