Thursday, May 30, 2013

I love stories

Do you ever take something for granted?  I think I my constant energy, and no aches and pains at ____ years old ( I am a Nana), etc. and sometimes it takes a newbie to come along with all the excitement of how well the products work and blow me away with stories like this and remind me of what it was like 30 years ago before Shaklee and then waking up to realizing how absolutely wonderful it is to find a company and products that are Always SAFE, Always GREEN and Always WORK.  Oh yes!!!   Thank you Elizabeth Lewis ( and family).

  " I am a new distributor - and juggling a lot in my life right now,  but I just needed to share this:
My recent Shaklee miracles (BESIDES the 20 lbs I have lost and kept off!):
* 3 weeks ago: My husband begrudgingly drank a 180 Smoothie for breakfast, and called me 2 hours later to tell me how incredible he felt!  NOW he won't get up in the morning without his smoothie and vitalizer strip!

* 2 weeks ago: My 16yo son who has had asthma his whole life, and pneumonia AND bronchitis in the past 6 months, came down with a mysterious virus that was causing horrible fatigue and headaches, which the doctors did not have a treatment for. So it was suggested to use the supplements, including
 Nutriferon, etc. AND IT WORKED
NOW he faithfully takes his protein shake and supplements every morning as he ENERGETICALLY heads out the door for school, and he is talking about what SPORT he wants to participate in next year!
And the funniest one, esp. if you knew her....
* 1 week ago: My mother-in-law who is chronically ill with COPD, diabetes, fatty liver, and Acromegaly and has been WAY less than enthusiastic about my Shaklee adventures, fell and didn't break anything, but was very sore. Soooo... I brought her a 180 smoothee mixed with Physique, and some supplements. She felt sick to her stomach at first (my sons jokingly said it was too much "healthy" for her body all at one time, lol!), but by the next day she was feeling better and not as sore.
NOW she calls me when I get home from work and says "Shake PLEASE???" !!!!
AND she asked me last night how much "that stuff" costs, because when she gets her next check (she is on a very limited fixed income) she wants to buy some for herself!!!!

* 2 days ago, I woke up with all the signs of one of my seasonal sinus infections, and started on the extra ... vitamins and Nutriferon regime. Yesterday, I woke up tired, but with NO signs of a sinus infection.
* TODAY, I woke up with more energy than I have had in the morning in years - early enough to type this way-too-long Facebook post!"

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