Saturday, April 27, 2013

Sebastian's Story (Leaky Gut & Learning Disability)

Sebastian's Story (Leaky Gut & Learning Disability)

You know how I love stories. Stories about changed lives. Stories that can be passed on and perhaps make a difference in the lives of another family that is struggling with health issues. Leaky Gut Syndrome has been said to be "an invisible thief that steals your health and wellbeing." Imagine a 6 year old having to deal with that and it's many symptons when life should be fun!  Add to that the frustrations of learning disabilities. Moms will do what they need to do and this mom did just that!  Thanks my friend, Suni, for sharing your story ( and not giving in to drugs).  

"In less than 6 months using a consistent Shaklee program my oldest son, Sebastian, overcame a 2-year reading delay and is now reading above average and is no longer plagued by multiple food sensitivities. Below is his story and his nutrition program.

Over a year ago, during our son's Kindergarten year, he suffered almost daily from fatigue, headaches, cramps, constipation/diarrhea, inability to learn/remember, bodyaches. After no real help from the pediatrician, we consulted with a naturopath and she told us our then 6-year old son had a leaky gut likely caused by yeast overgrowth from being given antibiotics as a toddler. IgG antibodies blood tests revealed multiple food sensitivities. He was sensitive to wheat, soy, corn, gluten, dairy, beef, poultry, legumes except lentils, melons, some nuts, mangoes, and more (80 foods out of 100 tested). We eliminated all those 80 foods from his diet for 6 months... not an easy task, as you can imagine. Things improved, but symptoms would return if we would try reintroducing one of those foods. Then we started him on a consistent Shaklee nutrition program, and an amazing health turnaround took place in about 2 months. Now he can enjoy any foods he wants in moderation, although we still avoid all artificial ingredients. His learning disability is gone too. He used to have a 2-year delay in his reading skills (at beginning of his 2nd grade he could read at Kindergarten level) and after a few months with Shaklee supplements, he's now testing at above average, reads at 3rd grade level and he hasn't even finished 2nd grade yet. That's an improvement of 3 grade levels in less than 6 months! We added a number of things, but what helped him the most for repairing his leaky gut was taking Shaklee Optiflora Probiotic pearl daily and gradually adding Shaklee Soy to his diet until he could have a full serving every day. For his optimal learning, we still continue his daily Shaklee whole food supplements routine, which includes the full spectrum of Omega-3s and other essential fatty acids. Below is the nutrition program that helped with my son's learning disability and food sensitivities.

Diet change: Eliminated all inflammatory foods for 6 months, then reintroduced all foods back in moderation after leaky gut healed thanks to gradual introduction of Shaklee Soy (only soy he could tolerate, his worst IgG-tested sensitivity was to soy). We're still gluten-free at home, buy only organic dairy, pastured eggs, free-range chicken, uncured bacon, and avoid all artificial ingredients at all costs. Increased protein at each meal and snack. Limit sugar and sweets, especially on empty stomach. Goal for each day is to include at least 3 different colors of the rainbow from fruits or non-starchy veggies.

Daily Shaklee Supplements (given with breakfast):
Worked up to 1 serving Shaklee Soy (180, ESP, or Instant) - split between 2 meals
1 Vita-Lea Iron or 2 Incredivites
1 Nutriferon
1 OmegaGuard
1 Soy Lecithin
1 B-Complex
1 Vita-D3
1 Optiflora Probiotic Pearl
2 OsteoMatrix or Chewable Cal-Mag (before bed)

Within first 1-2 months of consistent supplementation we saw a huge improvement, increased reading skills by a grade level. After 6 months, increased 3 grade levels and now he's above average! We plan to continue this program throughout his school years. Using Shaklee has been life-changing!"
~ Suni Ferrer (Sebastian's Mom)

NOTE:  Suni also made the switch to Shaklee GET CLEAN in their home, eliminating other toxins from getting in the way of his healing.  

“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”

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