Thursday, September 27, 2012

Some healthy choices for De-STRESSing!

Today in our networking event, my friend Tammy Lott, who is a Licensed Counselor, shared about how our body reacts to stress. It made so much sense because our brain gets on overload and then many times it appears in physical ways...headache, joint pain, even paralysis.  Anyone understand?  She gave us some great  breathing exercises ( see below)  to do daily that will help your body be able to deal with it, retrain your brain, so to speak for when it comes. And by all means, seek out a good counselor like Tammy!

I know that many people go on meds for anxiety and stress, but if there is a more natural way to reduce a significant portion of those stress related symptoms (while we deal with the stresses that come) , it just seems less STRESS on the rest of your cells. Doesn't that make sense?  So, here are some tips that you can get from the comfort of your kitchen!


Deep breathing helps with relaxation, and thus with pain. It helps relax tense muscles and ultimately improve oxygen flow. These things will help reduce your pain. It will not eliminate your pain, but can make it quite a bit more tolerable. This strategy is also very effective for stress management. It gives your body and mind a chance to let go, pause, and “re-set”. Make sure you practice this below, many times throughout the day, for 10-15 minutes at a time.

1. Get into a comfortable position

2. Put one hand on your chest and one on your belly

3. Take slow, deep breaths – in through your nose and out through your mouth

4. Make sure your bottom hand (on your belly) is moving more than your top hand. You want to breathe deeply from your belly.

5. It will be helpful if you close your eyes and truly try to relax. Picture your muscles letting loose and getting longer. Let your jaw drop/open a bit.

6. Some patients find it helpful to also think about a place or scene that makes them feel truly calm, happy, at peace (such as fishing, or on a beach). Alternately you can think of a benign object – such as the turning pages of a book, or a piece of fruit- noting every“boring” detail.

NATURAL SUPPLEMENTS;  I have young mom friends who were able to get off their anxiety meds and replace them with more natural and safer supplements.  Here are one I choose, made by Shaklee. 
• Promote a calm, relaxed state without causing drowsiness*
• Allow you to be more alert and able to concentrate during times of stress*                                                                                                 • Help blunt cortisol, a stress-response hormone that can affect long-term health*                                                                                         • Enhance the body’s ability to adapt to everyday stress*
2.  B Complex ( remember the song  "Don't worry... B happy!!" 

Here are six excellent, HEALTHY FOODS  that can help you lower your stress levels naturally: More info on each is down below.  Thanks to Natural  
1. handful of almonds
2.  Omega-3 fatty acids
3.  Chocolate ( moderation, of course)
4. Spinach
5. Oranges

Grab a couple handfuls of almonds daily. Almonds, and other nuts, are so good for so many different reasons - among them; their ability to reduce your stress level.

"Nuts are loaded with vitamin E, which boosts immunity," says Health and Living. "A healthy immune system means you're less likely to fall victim to that cold that's making its way around the office, and a healthier you means a less stressed you, too."

They also contain a lot of B vitamins, which I call the 'stress vitamin".  When I was a young mom, I would take 3 before the boys came home from school-- one for each son!

OMEGAS.  Fish like salmon, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, is the perfect dinner de-stress option. "Omega-3s have been shown to boost mood and brain function, and can aid significantly in dealing with anxiety and depression," Health and Living says.

"A 2011 study from Ohio State showed a 20 percent reduction in anxiety among medical school students who took omega-3 supplements," Cool notes. "The researchers made this surprising discovery during research to test their theory that omega-3s would lower stress-induced levels of cytokines, compounds that promote inflammation in the body, which can lead to illness and heart attack."

Oily fish also contain a host of vitamins and minerals - B vitamins, zinc, and magnesium - "that help reduce sugar-addiction cycles and counteract the damaging effects of stress on the body," says Dina Spector of

Chocolate.  Did you know that a little chocolate goes a long way towards reducing our stress levels? 

"Too much indulgence is likely to keep you from your weight-loss goals, but a small portion of chocolate as a pick-me-up isn't such a bad idea," Health and Living says. "This sweet treat helps to boost serotonin levels, which plays a key role in dealing with stress. In a study conducted by Duke Medical Center, researchers found that lower levels of serotonin actually cause a more extreme reaction when the body encounters stress."

Spinach. "Spinach and other dark leafy greens like Swiss chard and kale are loaded with magnesium, which has been credited as a major stress fighter, helping to relax muscle fibers and put you at ease," says Health and Living.

"There's no such thing as a chill pill, but some foods contain body-boosting nutrients that help soothe stressed-out nerves," adds Whole Living, noting that green leafy foods contain folic acid, which helps "make dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure."

Oranges. Yup, it's the Vitamin C that helps  "boosts your immune system and fights brain-cell damage resulting from constant exposure to cortisol," says Whole Living.

"Stress makes our body release even more free radicals than when we are in good mood. Interestingly, vitamin C helps to keep the free radicals in control, and repairs the body. Basically, it helps protect the body from the cumulative effects of stress," adds Dr. Lee Dobbins, a physician who specializes in weight loss-related issues.

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