Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The NY Times story asks: How Clean Are Your Dishes?

Well, we haven't had a dishwasher for several years. Our son Ken, who has been living here between college and the Navy, told me that the day he leaves we will probably get one. Sure enough, on his last day here, a friend called and said they had one to give away. YES! And it was a KEN-MORE!! ( you have to understand my humor to see the whole irony of this story) Anyway, I am very passionate about helping people find ways to make their lives "safe" and what we wash our dishes with is part of it. I can taste the soap and chemicals on plates and glasses in restaurants and homes. And to think that we put hot food on them that absorbs into the delicious cuisine. ugh!
When I saw this article, the picture reminded me of a friend who began using Dish Wash Concentrate by Shaklee. She got so excited to show me her glasses that didn't have the murky white on them after putting them through a load. Know that you must make the switch for your family's sake, but find a company that isn't just greenwashing because it's the fad. Investigate. ( you know what I recommend) Phosphates pose a threat to aquatic life and can end up in drinking-water reservoirs. In response to new laws, more and more makers of dishwasher detergents are reducing the amounts of phosphates in their products. But, according to a recent article published by The New York Times, "Cleaner for the Environment, Not for the Dishes," consumers claim their low-phosphate detergents aren't getting the job done.

Launched in 1991, Shaklee Basic-D® was the first patented phosphate-free dishwashing cleanser. Today, our Shaklee Get Clean® Dish Washer Automatic Powder Concentrate is a patented, high-performing, phosphate-free dishwasher cleanser. Its enzyme-activated formula removes tough stains without the need for prerinsing, leaving dishes sparkling clean. Shaklee Get Clean products do not contain phosphates—and never will.

Now, for David and Rod to install it and Ken ( or Rod and I )will have to wash dishes no more, because we have "Kenmore"! ha!

New York TImes Article URL:

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