Monday, March 7, 2011

another HOT topic: fevers in Children.

I know, I know.  It's one thing for us moms to have a fever or headache, but when it's our kids....we feel helpless to ease their pain and want that magic wand.  We would keep them loaded with liquids ( Shaklee Performance drink and chewable C)      The American Academy of Pediatrics published new guidelines for treating fevers in children, clarifying that fever is a physiological mechanism with beneficial effects in fighting infection. Although many parents administer medications to reduce a child's fever, the primary goal should be to support child comfort, vs maintaining “normal” temperature. Medications should be stored SAFEly to avoid accidental ingestion.

Here is that publication

Here are some herbal tips from an earlier post. 

Fever (can be due to stomach flu, ear ache, sore throat)
Reference: How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of your Doctor by Dr. Mendelson

1. Sore throat
a. Take garlic at the onset of a sore throat, scratchy throat or viral pneumonia
1. Garlic is known as nature’s antibiotic
2. One mg of allicin (a component of garlic) has the potency of 15 standard units of penicillin
3. Garlic is effective against toxic bacteria, viruses, and fungus
b. For children: take one garlic, 3 times per day (Crush 2 alfalfa with 3 garlic to help prevent upset stomach)

c. For adults: take 9-12 garlic per day to achieve antibiotic effects

d. For Nursing Moms: if you take the garlic and alfalfa, it will get to the baby through the milk. It is also encouraged that you take EZ-Gest, an enzyme that will help break down the garlic for the stomach and the breast milk

e. For Non-Nursing Moms: Crush garlic capsule and pour it in baby’s sock and leave in overnight (1 capsule per sock)

f. Additional Ideas: Mashed potatoes w/ crushed garlic, hummus w/ added garlic, onion soup w/ added garlic, etc.

g. Chewable C for sore throat. Feels good on throat. Gets into the blood quicker if you chew it.

Here is a link the other helpful herbal remedies.

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