Monday, April 2, 2012

Basic H2 vs Vinegar for a safe, clean home

With spring here officially, and Earth day in bloom as well, I want to focus again on SAFE cleaning in your homes and businesses.   

So often when I am sharing at a GREEN type event, I get comments like " oh, I use only vinegar and baking soda, with some tea tree oil... Most are very confident that it will clean anything and everything and even make natural laundry detergent and dishwashing detergent for very cheap.
I have friends who used to use a lot of vinegar & baking soda, tea tree oil, & lavender oil. They were  never happy with the end results, and essentially hated the smell! But, it was “natural” and cheaper than conventional cleaners or even the store bought green cleaners. ( which many of them are basically green washing. I mean, really, why would Chlorox care about green. You either care about the environment and being safe or you don't. You can't have both)

And even if it that basic combo works for you, what if you found something that would cost you less, be more gentle on the earth and not have a smell?

This month of April with any purchase, Shaklee is waiving the memberhip fee so it's a good time to try ithe GET CLEAN line for the discount.  And when you make the switch to Shaklees Basic H2, you will  start saving money.  Yup, a  A bottle of this non-toxic biodegradable cleaner cost about $11 and is equivalent to 48 gallons of cleaner or 5000 bottles of Windex.  With 2 drops in a 16 oz bottle, I have my window cleaner, add 1/4 teaspoon to another and it's my all purpose.  Even a degreaser formula I make too.  Not to mention the myriad of other uses around the home, garden and outdoors. (Veggie wash, windows, floors, ALL purpose, folks)   That's between 2 - 25 cents a gallon for the cleaner.  Compare that to Tea Tree Oil ($6 for a couple of ounces) & Vinegar ( is at least $3 a bottle.)  And the Basic H2 lasts and lasts and lasts.   Keep your vinegar in the pantry solely for cooking! And your tea tree oil in the medicine cabinet for its antiseptic qualities and for treating spiders. other uses. And as far as the laundry detergent & dish soap, who has the time to do that when you can get a good organic one already available.  

1. Isn't Vinegar about as natural as you can get?
Yes, vinegar is almost natural (provided it is in its natural form), as they do not pollute the environment. But, is Vinegar SAFE?  Remember, it's an acid. It may be safe for us, but waht about all plant life. 
2.  What happens when you mix  Baking Soda  with Vinegar?  
It produces an gas, which can be harmless to a certain degree. But if you upset the acid-base balance ( ph level) with something that is a higher PH ( acidic), couldn't it break up protein and other good stuff.  and make its way back to the earth as an acid in the end?
3. Is it SAFE to put on your skin?
Basically, you're introducing a change in your skin's acid chemistry. Our skin and blood is not the same pH balance as vinegar. Should Vinegar get into your bloodstream, it can do some wonders for purifying, but it can also work against your digestive tract. Heartburn or other uncomfortable things are common for many with a different acid mix ( acid reflux). Look at the sales of all the digestive " ANTI-acids".    
 V4. Vinegar may end up becoming a carcinogen if mixed with the wrong chemical elements. 
SO why Basic H2?  
One of the beautiful things about Bacic H2 is that it is pH balanced for the human body and unlike Vinegar, is Organic, has living vegetable enzymes to do the hard work and is Non-Toxic. I even bathed my kids in Basic H (why not, it's organic and you don't have to clean your tub?), but I would NEVER fathom bathing my kids  in Vinegar. Also, unlike Vinegar, Basic H2 biodegrades quickly and will not harm a water's ecosystem. In fact, it helps it by becoming plant food. AND, it has no smell! And, it cleans way better with less effort than Vinegar and/or baking soda did for me!
And what about the packaging? How long do you think it takes that plastic jug to break down? Basic H’s bottle is completely recycled & biodegradable, and is shipped in a recycled boxes. Through the sale of Shaklee’s Basic H2, in the last year alone, Shaklee has eliminated 2.7 billion bottles of conventional, ready-to-use 26-ounce window cleaner — if placed end-to-end, these bottles would wrap around the earth more than 18 times! For every Get Clean Kit Shaklee sells, the consumer eliminates 108 pounds of waste from landfills and 248 pounds of greenhouse gases – in just one kit!"

 One of the best reasons that we use only Get Clean products is that were so SAFE for my sons to use in the house and help clean.  And they helped stop allergies. 

And even if the products work...the hardest part for me is picking up the cloth and starting to clean....


  1. This is very helpful, Ruth! I get that all the time - "Oh, I just use vinegar." Very good information. We all need to put a little more thought into what chemicals we are breathing, putting into the groundwater, and putting on our skin (into our bodies.)Even if they are "natural," they might not be best for us.

  2. This is very helpful, Ruth! I get that all the time - "Oh, I just use vinegar." Very good information. We all need to put a little more thought into what chemicals we are breathing, putting into the groundwater, and putting on our skin (into our bodies.)Even if they are "natural," they might not be best for us.
